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CESI S.p.A. 

Power Transformers and Reactors, Transmission & Distribution Equipment, Insulated Cables, Overhead lines, Substations and Electrical Installations, DC Systems and Power Electronics, Protection and Automation, Power System Development and Economics, Power System Operation and Control, Power System Environmental Performance, Power System Technical Performance, Electricity Markets and Regulation 
CESI is a world-leading technical consulting and engineering company in the field of technology and innovation for the electric power sector.

Through its Division KEMA Labs,CESI is the world leader for the independent Testing,Inspection and Certification activities.

With a legacy of more than 60 years of experience,CESI operates in 70 countries and supports its global clients in the energy transition challenges. Its clients include utilities, TSOs, DSOs, financial investors, electromechanical manufacturers, governments and regulatory authorities.

CESI is headquartered in Milan and with facilities in Arnhem,Berlin,Prague,Mannheim,Dubai,Rio de Janeiro,Santiago de Chile,Knoxville and Chalfont(USA) 
Contact details
Via Rubattino 54 
20134 Milan